Using Advanced Search and Filtering for Contacts [Next Gen] Follow
When there are many contacts in your system, it can be difficult to find all the ones you are looking for by just scrolling. That's why we have filtering available. This allows you to easily search for the exact type of contact you are looking for.
Step by Step
admin > contacts tab > filter/funnel
Filtering can you help you find all of the contacts that fit certain criteria. This can be helpful if you want to reach a large group of people at once. If you're looking to delete a contact, go here.
- To start filtering, first click "Contacts" on your dashboard, and then click the filter icon to the left of the search bar.
- A sidebar will appear, and then you can make selections based on what contacts you are looking for. You don't have to click anything for the filters to apply- they will automatically do that.
- To clear the filters, click the "Clear All" filter that's underneath the search bar.
- If you want to save your filters, you can click the yellow "Save Filters" button to the right of the screen. You must assign a name to the filters, and after that, you can easily access the filter by hitting the drop-down button to the right of "Save Filters" whenever you need it.
- To delete a saved filter, first, apply the filter and then hit the yellow "Delete Filter" button to the right.
Advanced Search
Advanced Search is like filtering, but is much more in-depth. It allows you to search for contacts using very specific criteria, including things like the minimum score a contact has, contacts that were created before a certain date, and even by their birthday. This can be helpful when you're having trouble finding a specific contact.
- To do an advanced search click the filter icon to the right of the search bar. At the bottom of the sidebar, there will be an advanced search button.
- In the screen that pops up, enter whatever criteria you wish to search by, and then click "Search Now".
How does this differ for agents?
Admin and Broker level users will have access to review all contact in the system while Agents will only be able to search their own.