Creating a Team [Next Gen] Follow
Teams are a big part of most brokerages. It can be confusing for possible clients to know if an agent is a part of a team or not when viewing a website, our objective is to limit this confusion as much as possible. In order to do this, we have created an option for you to create a team with any existing agents in your roster. Only an Admin can create a team but once the basics have been added to the system, the team can go in and edit or add any information that they deem necessary.
Step by Step
admin > agents > create dropdown > team
- From the admin page, click on your profile icon in the top right-hand corner, this will reveal a drop-down menu
- From here click on the Agent option under the Roster section, this will lead you to a new screen with all the agents and brokers in the system
- Now click the Create button and a dropdown menu will appear where you can select Create Team which will lead you to a new screen where you can fill in all the information on the team
- Creating a team is exactly like creating an agent, you have sections to fill out including:
- Primary Information - In this section you are creating an account for the team using their team name, email, and password. This is the only section with the required information, the rest the team can go in and fill in after their account is created.
- Contact Information - Contact Information for a team is the same as it is for an agent, employee, etc. For a team you can only enter one address, email, and a few phone numbers, so it is best to leave this to the team to fill in the most efficient information.
- SMS Notifications - SMS notifications are filled in with a simple checkbox with whether or not the team wants to receive that information over text message. Note: SMS notifications will only be sent if the agent has entered a valid cell phone number, so if the phone number is not a cell phone this is not an option. To set up SMS read about it here
- Profile Settings - Profile settings is where you edit everything that is displayed for the team on the front end website, for example, if you want to display their active properties or their spoken languages. Embedded code is a block of HTML that has been embedded in the page source and creates an object.
- Office- Under the office section you can add the licenses of everyone on the team, etc. Under 'additional criteria' the options are all checkboxes for whether or not they have that criteria.
- Web Details - Here you can add access to any additional websites, blogs, or apps that the team is involved in.
- Social Media - In this section you simply copy-paste the links to all the social media that the team has and wants to be available to the public.
- Agent Accreditation - This can be honors or training that an Agent has received or been given
- Search Engine Meta Info - Meta Data is a set of data that describes and gives information about other data. Here a description can be added to the correct findings are made when pages are searched
- Feed & SSO - This is an API or Single Sign On integration that an Agent may have
- Team Members - This section is where you fill in all the agents that are a part of the team. You simply choose the checkbox next to the name of the agents on the team. Another option to add an agent to a team is when you are creating the agent you can automatically add them to an already existing team.
- Primary Information - In this section you are creating an account for the team using their team name, email, and password. This is the only section with the required information, the rest the team can go in and fill in after their account is created.
- Select Create
Q: Will the individual agents still get their own accounts?
A: Yes, Agents will still have their own Child Sites even if they are part of a team
Q: Who will get the SMS messages and emails for the team?
A: SMS Messages are sent to members of the team based on lead sharing selections. It can be selected that any messages an Agent receives will also be sent to Admin or Broker level users.
Q: Why can I not add an Agent/Broker/Employee to a Team?
A: One of the main reasons for this is due to the Agent already being part of a team.
Q: How many Teams can an Agent/Broker/Employee be on?
A: Currently, Agents/Brokers/Employees can only be on ONE team at a time.
How does this differ for agents?
Team creation is the responsibility of Admin and Broker level users. Teams can be composed of Admin, Broker, and Agent level users.