Tasks & Events - Creating an Office Event [Next Gen] Follow
Does your brokerage have weekly meetings? If you are an admin you are given access to create an event that will be put on the calendar of whoever you choose to attend the meeting.
How To
admin > tasks & events > event tab > create dropdown > create new office event
- To create an office or group event from the dashboard go to the bottom of the page and hit 'View All' under the Events section
- From here hit the 'Create' button on the top right this will open a drop-down menu where you select 'Office Event'
- Keep in mind if you do not have the permissions to create an office event this will lead to a calendar that you cannot edit
- Keep in mind if you do not have the permissions to create an office event this will lead to a calendar that you cannot edit
- From here a new tab will open with Back-Office open titled 'Add an Event', looking similar to the photo below
- "Category" is where you decide who you want to invite to the meeting including, office, staff, training, or community
- Publication Level is referring to the office level you want the post to be available for. A Broker can have multiple offices and choose to share certain Posts to certain offices based on location. This is only an option for upper-level staff/admin in Back Office.
- The "Title" is a text fill-in option with whatever you want to call the meeting, for example, weekly office meeting
- Start and end date both can either be typed in or selected from a calendar view if it is not a multiple-day event you can simply choose a start and end time on a specific date
- You may add the venue and who is in charge of the event below the picture above. Also, if this is a draft, a public event, and if you want to allow registration for the event
- Lastly, add an event description of the purpose of the event or any other details you would like the invitees to know, and hit 'Add Event Now'. Then you will be able to see this event listed in the calendar.
How does this differ for agents?
Admin and Broker level users are able to establish Office Events which can involve Admin, Broker, and Agent level users.