Custom Contact Field [Next Gen] Follow
Contact fields are the fields that are used to edit and create a contact, for example, their address, how they heard of you, etc. Brokers have the ability to change, add, or delete any of these fields and it will edit all the agents view and how they can edit their contacts.
Step by Step
admin > inline menu > settings > customer contact fields
- Click on Profile Icon in Top Right Corner
- Click on Settings
- At the left side there will be a list, click on the last option Custom Contact Fields. From here you have a variety of options.
On this page, you can select from several types of fields to make
Text Field (a single-line text box)
Text Area (a multi-line text box)
Select (a drop-down menu with the populated items)
CheckBox (a single checkbox)
CheckBox Group (a group of checkboxes)
Radio Button Select (multiple options that allow a single choice)
Time Select (a time field)
Date Select (a date field)
Date time Select (a date and time field)
Selecting “Required” makes the field required for lead sign up
Selecting “Display on Front-end?” makes this field available for leads to fill out this information on sign up or on their profile page.
- Admin-only access refers to the field being editable by admins. Agents will be able to view the field entries on the lead's detail page. Three things to note when creating these fields:
Please note that this is only available on parent sites, and these fields will automatically be pushed to any affiliated agent and office sites.
Example of Where The Customer Contact Field is:
Q: What is the purpose of the reorder function?
A: The Reorder function is there to change the order in which the Customer Contact Fields are displayed.
Q: If I delete a field what will it do with the contacts that have that field filled in already?
A: If a field is deleted, the information in the contact is removed. To avoid this, it may be best to have items available but not required.
How does this differ for agents?
Customer Contact Fields are added by Admin and Broker level users. This field will be on every contact field or contact creation for Admin, Broker, and Agent level users.