Creating a Task [Next Gen] Follow
The Propertybase platform’s Tasks tool allows back-end users to create action items with due dates in order to distribute work to others or manage their own work. Follow-up Tasks must be associated with a lead and must have a set completion time (the task must be set to be accomplished AT a specific time, as opposed to BY a specific time); custom tasks require only a due date.
When a lead signs up on your website or is manually assigned to an agent, the agent will receive an automatically generated follow-up task. This task is labeled as having been created by the primary broker account on your website. The agent has 24 hours to follow up with the lead before this task is overdue by default; to change the default due date for automated follow-up tasks or to disable the feature, go to Settings > Configuration > Leads.
Creating a Task
- Creating a Task can be done one of two ways:
- Select the Quick Action Toolkit button at the top right of your Dashboard, and click the "Task" button.
- Select Tasks > My Open Tasks or Created Tasks > Click "New Task"
- Choose task type: "Follow-Up" or “Task” (custom tasks can have any label you choose)
- Follow-Up Tasks require association with a lead already in the system
- Enter additional info; task name, due date, and the assigned user are required; all other fields are optional
- Check the “Task Creator” box if you would like to receive an update via email every time this task is updated
- Check the “Assigned User’s Office Manager” box if you want the assigned user’s office manager to receive copies of update emails for this task
- Click “Create Task” to save changes and assign this task
Once a task has been created it will be available in the “Created tasks” table on your Dashboard. If you assign a task to another user, the user will receive an email indicating that a task has been assigned to them. This email contains a hyperlink to the full task details. If you assign a task to yourself, you will not receive an email update. The ten tasks with the nearest dues dates will be shown on your Dashboard.
- Can you notify other people of tasks?
- What happens if the contact you created the task for gets deleted?
How does this differ for agents?
Agent level users can assign tasks to themselves. Admin and Broker level users can assign tasks to both themselves as well as Agents.