Advanced Search and Filtering: Content [Next Gen] Follow
While reviewing Email Marketing Content, there are additional filters that can be used to locate a specific template.
Step by Step
admin > email marketing > content > filter icon
1. Starting on the home page, select the email marketing tab
2. Once on the Email Marketing tab, select the Content tab
3. Click the funnel/filter button to open the filter menu
4. Adjust filters to locate desired content
- Name: Search by name of saved content
- Subject: Search by subject of saved content
- Creator: Search by designer of content
- Type: Search by type
- personal
- agent
- company
- Company: Search by company (if multiple)
- Status: Is the content active or archived?
- Category: this is a custom field
How does this differ for agents?
As this is part of the Email Marketing tab, this is viewable to admin, brokers, and agents.