Transactions - Advanced Search and Filtering [Next Gen] Follow
Most agents participate in multiple transactions a year, and it can be difficult to keep all the paperwork, contact information, and transaction details in order. That is why we created an advanced search and filtering options for transactions, now you can simply search or filter for a transaction and everything you need from it is available for you.
Step by Step
admin > transactions tab > filter/funnel icon
- From the dashboard either select the 'view all' function in the Active Transactions portion OR click the 'Transactions' navigation tab at the top of the page. These will both lead you, for an agent, to a list view of all of your transactions, or for a broker, to a list view of all transactions.
- From here you can search for any specific transactions using the search function OR you can filter by going to the far left of the page and selecting the funnel icon.
- If filtering, the funnel icon once clicked, will open a menu on the left side of your screen with all the filter options available, similar to the image below.
- Here you can filter by:
- Status- Status is a checkbox function about whether the status of the transaction is active, closed, or inactive
- Property - Property is a text fill-in option about which property is involved in the transaction
- Agent - Agent is a text fill-in option about which agent in the brokerage is representing the transaction
- Client - Client is a text fill-in option about which contact you are representing in the transaction
- Min. Projected Closing Date & Max. Projected Closing Date - These are both text fill in or calendar selection options to filter out transactions without the close date you desire
- Side - Side is a checkbox function on which side of the transaction you are representing i.e buy or sell.
Q: What happens if a transaction is deleted?
A: Transactions cannot be deleted, but they can be moved to inactive.
Difference between Agents and Broker
Admins and Brokers have access to all transactions that have taken place at the brokerage, while Agents only have access to those transactions that they have participated in.