Custom Property Type Groups [Next Gen] Follow
Every MLS is different and may use different terms for the same type of property, such as general terms or more granular.
Step by Step
admin > inline menu > settings > property types
1. Start by selecting the inline menu on the home page followed by settings
2. On the left hand side, select property types
3. Each MLS has its own terms to use and will need to be selected on each MLS subscribed. Once the desired property types have been selected, click the green button to save the new settings.
Note: To ensure Custom Property Types function properly you must perform one of the following:
(1) Select ONLY Property Types within the Custom Group screen
(2) Select ONLY Sub-Types within the Custom Group screen
(3) Mixing BOTH? - This is where there may be some confusion since while you are allowed to mix both Property AND Sub-Types together into 1 custom group you MUST be mindful of the Sub-Types Property Type.
MLS#1 (LeadMLS) - Townhouse is a Property Type
MLS#2 (Your Standard MLS) - Townhouse is a Sub-Type of ‘Residential’ Property Type
So when creating the Custom Group, "Townhouse", you would need to select the following:
Property Type:
- Townhouse
- Residential
- Townhouse (Residential) [<--- note: the Platform displays the associated Property Type in parentheses next to all sub-types]
Note: Just because ‘Residential’ is selected that does not mean all sub-types below will be included in your Custom "Condos Group". ONLY those sub-types actually checked off will be. Again this is only the case when both Property Types AND Sub-Types are being selected within a single Custom Group
See An Error Message? If you happen to select a sub-type and forget to select it's corresponding property type A Pop-Up Message will appear:
"You have selected one or more sub-types that do not have the respective Property Type also selected. This is indicated by any Sub-Type with a checkmark but greyed out.
Click cancel to return and select the omitted Property Type (this is indicated in parenthesis next to your sub-type) OR If you click continue the sub-type in question will not be saved.”
How does this differ for agents?
As this is located in the settings menu, it is visible to admin and broker level users.