Creating a Single Listing Website (Client View) [Next Gen] Follow
To spotlight those really amazing and exclusive listings, clients may look to create a Single Listing Property website. There are steps that both parties must take to complete this process.
Step by Step
Prior to the creation of a Single Listing Property website:
A client must have already purchased the website that will be utilized in this process or created a dedicated page that can be routed to. The purchased can be a domain of the client's choice (such as and the dedicated created page will be part of the Propertybase domain (such as
Once the client has purchased the domain or designed their own, the process can begin.
To create a Single Listing Property website:
admin > listings > select the listing to be set up > actions drop down > enhance listing
1. Starting on the admin page, select the listing tab
2. On the listing tab, search the property to create the website for
3. Once in the property listing, open the action dropdown
4. Select Enhance Exclusive Listing
5. On the opened page, go to the Property Landing Page Path and create a pathway utilizing the address (example: /1999centennialway). This will be the same as when a page path is created while making a CMS page.
6. Once the path has been created, it is time to add the redirect.
admin > website > create > redirect > domain redirect
7. Starting on the admin page, select the Website tab
8. On the Website page, select component
9. Select Redirect followed by Domain Redirect
10. Fill in the domain that was purchased or designed for the Single Listing Property website and then the page path that was earlier created.
11. Once this has been completed, contact Propertybase Support to have the SSL generated if using an outside purchased site.
Q: Do we create the domains for customers?
A: We do not create the domains for Single Listing Property Websites. The customer would need to purchase their own domains or generate a page within the CRM for it to be linked to.
How does this differ for agents?
Admin and Broker level users can request creation of these sites once appropriate domains have been purchased or generated. Agents can request this if they are the exclusive owner of a listing.