Google Integration: Syncing your Google Calendar [Next Gen] Follow
The CRM offers the capability of syncing Agent calendars with Google. This enables brokers to hold their agents more accountable and ultimately make the CRM a more valuable tool by associating available calendars.
**Please note, this will only work with GSuite and not standard Gmail addresses**
Step by Step
admin > inline menu > profile > settings
1. Starting on the admin page, open the inline menu
2. From the inline menu, select the "My Profile" option
3. Upon opening "My Profile", select the "Settings" option on the left hand side
4. On this page, there is an option for "Sign in With Google" under "Sync Google Contacts"
5. After choosing this option, sign in with Google and select for calendar and email sync.
6. After approving Google to have access to contacts and calendar, the sync has been completed.
Q: Can I remove my sync if I change emails?
A: Yes, if the sync is currently working, there will be an option to disconnect Google. By selecting that option, the sync will be removed.
Q: Why can I not sync my GMail account?
A: Please know that only GSuite accounts can be connected, not Gmail ( accounts.
How does this differ for agents?
Admin, Broker, and Agent level users can all sync their calendars to their accounts via the same methods.