Configuring Your New Propertybase Website with our Website Builder Tools [Next Gen] Follow
Configuring our websites with the Website Builder tools makes customization a breeze! See details as well as step by step pathway to locating these changes and options.
Step by Step
admin > inline menu > settings > Website Builder
1. Starting on the admin page, open the inline menu
2. From the inline menu, select Settings
3. In the Settings menu, select Website Builder
4. From there, there are multiple settings to use:
- Force Agent Sites To Use Brokerage Settings - This is a checkbox option.
- Colors - These allow for the adjustment of the colors used on your front end website
- Typography - Select from different fonts, colors, and sizes to the customer the site
- Buttons - Adjust the appearance of selection buttons on the website
- Theme Preset - There are preset theme offerings that have different colors and opacity
Global Layout:
- Header - Select a header style to be used on all pages
- Footer - Select a footer style to be used on all pages
- Navigation Options - Menu appearance options that affect Headers, Footers, and Menus
Page Designer:
- Homepage - What components make up the home page? Items can be added or removed, or adjusted with the gear option if applicable
- Property Details - What components shown on the Property Details page? What base layout are these options placed on?
- Area Profiles - What components are on the area profiles? What base layout are these options placed on?
- Agent Profiles - How are the Agent profiles composed?
- Office Profile - How if the information shared about the Offices on their select pages?
- Blog Homepage - How are blog articles configured?
- Market Insights - What market information shows on the Market insights? What colors are used?
Card Options:
- Page Banners - This adjusts the view of the banners at the top of the page
- Property Cards - This adjusts how properties display in card view
- Agent Cards - This adjusts how Agent information is displayed on the Agent search page
- Area Cards - This is how the Area Profiles are presented on the Home Page as well as when associated Property Pages
- Office Cards - This is how office information is presented on Agent pages, Area Profiles, and Office Search views
- Market Insight Cards - This is how Market Insights are displayed on pages where they are applied
- Market Summary Cards - This is how Market Summaries are displayed on pages where they are applied
- Blog Cards - This is how Blog entries are shown in card view or when displayed on Agent profiles.
How does this differ for agents?
This is an option available to Admin and Broker level users.