Email Marketing Visibility [Next Gen] Follow
Propertybase GO now gives you the ability to track you soon to be sent and recently sent marketing emails via the Email Marketing Visibility Report.
We understand it can be challenging to keep track of who is getting what and when, especially if you have a couple of drip campaigns, a monthly newsletter, and an open house notification running through our Email Marketing.
Step by Step
dashboard > reports > email marketing visibility
1. Make your selection of whether you'd like to see Drip Campaigns or Single Email Campaigns.
2. Use the dropdown at the left to see what was Sent in the Last 7 Days or Queued For the Next 7 Days.
3. See which Campaigns and Campaign Events are going to be sent.
a. The Sender is the person who the email will be coming from.
b. The Lead, Contact, Agent, Employee, Contact Agents, and Lead Agents Count give a total number of who will be affected by that.
This allows you to modify your campaigns before they are sent and increased visibility to what has recently been sent.
How does this differ for agents?
Only users with the Admin and Broker level user to view the email marketing visibility report.