Customizing Developments Profile [Next Gen] Follow
The Development Profile pages are there to give life to Developments and set the mood for the client to see what living there is like.
Step by Step
admin > profile menu > settings > website builder > page designer > developments profile
Once this step is reached, there are multiple drag and drop options that can be used to customize these pages.
- Start by choosing a profile layout that will determine the structure of the page (check out the preview on the right side of the page for an idea of what each layout looks like).
Depending on the layout you choose, the profile designer will reflect the page sections/columns that the page structure will be organized into. - Once you select a layout, the Profile Layout drag and drop will update to reflect the page structure you have selected, and rearrange the page components accordingly.
- Use your mouse to click on and drag each component/widget to rearrange within each section or to move to a new section altogether.
- Click the red 'X' to remove the component from your template - the widget will be returned to the "Available Components" section, which is an inventory of your leftover components that are not included on the page template.
- Use the settings icon to determine a default label for each component if applicable, not all options will have this available.
Each widget in the drag and drop designer ties to a customizable component of an Development Profile page:
- Photo Carousel/Map - This is the only non-optional item present on all Development Profile pages
- Development Summary - Area for Name, website, and Categories
- Tool Bar (Desktop) - Usable for desktop browsing, contains items like Print and Email
- Tool Bar Mobile (Mobile) - Usable for mobile browsing, contains items like Print and Email
- Development Description - Area to provide further details about the development itself
- Features - Listed items that are perks of the location, such as valet, onsite gym, pool, garage spaces
- Development Breakdown - List of information regarding the Development such as number of stories, number of units, builder, build year
- CMS Menu - In-page menu which you can choose from the edit form.
- Price Table - Pricing to compare tiers or sizes of spaces available, such as 1 bedroom or 2 as well as purchase versus rent.
- Market Insights - Market Insights pulled for the area the development is in
- Area Profiles - A block to link back to the Area Profile page for where the development is located
- Associated Developments - A link to similar and nearby developments that have been linked
- Agents - Current agents that are handling these properties
- Active Properties - Properties currently listed as active
- Pending Properties - Properties currently listed as pending
- Sold Properties - Properties currently listed as sold
- Rental Properties - Properties currently listed for rent
- Exclusive Documents - Area to add documents for just this development, such as fliers or listing info in printed form
- Inquiry Form - Add inquiry form specific to this development that will go to Agents associated with development
- Mortgage Calculator - Add link to Mortgage Calculator
- CMS Form - In-page dynamic form, they can choose from the development edit page
- Custom Widgets - Add custom built widgets to page
Q: How do I associate these listing to be in a development for this type of page?
A: There are 3 ways to associate listings:
- You can choose 1 or more addresses to associate to the development, which will pull in listing based on those addresses.
- You can choose a pre-defined Custom Neighborhood.
- You can draw a polygon on the provided map on the development Edit page.